Fundraising Progress
We are currently fundraising to help support the education of the Batwa children. If you are able to contribute towards this cause, please visit our donation page.
A huge thank you to past donors including the Albert Schweitzer Schule in Neckarsulm Germany!! They have raised over $1000 for the Queen of Peace Jr. School. This money will pay for rice and beans for the children as well chicken feed. Eggs from the chickens will go a long way to improving the children’s diet!
SeeeMe would like to give another HUGE thank you to 100 Women Who Care, Cache Valley. They have generously donated to help fund SeeeMe projects in Mbale, Uganda! If you haven’t heard of them before, check out their website.
For more info, visit our Facebook Page!
Also a huge thanks to those of you who have donated through this website, or have participated in any of SeeeMe’s many fundraisers.
Who We Are
At SeeeMe (Sustainable Engineering, Economics, and Education), we believe that serving others can affect those serving as much as those being served. SeeeMe recently built a school near Mbale, Uganda. We also organize teams of volunteers once or twice a year to travel to Uganda and conduct specific projects requested by small, usually remote, village communities, primary schools and orphanages.
Teams have worked with thousands of individuals at more than a dozen locations presenting women’s and children’s health seminars; constructing/renovating classrooms, dormitories and clinics; digging wells and installing pumps using a variety of technologies; installing recreation equipment (swings, teeter-totters, climbing frames, etc.); installing
mosquito nets; testing eyes and distributing reading glasses; installing roof rainwater catchment systems with storage tanks; teaching classes; installing solar power and lights; and installing computer equipment with educational software and internet capabilities. For details see check out our current projects and our history. SeeeMe collaborates with the Interethnic Health Alliance and other non-profit and non-governmental organizations (NGOs).
We believe everyone has something to offer/gain by participating in a trip, and we hope you can join us. All SeeeMe administrative activities are done by volunteers so all donations go directly to project equipment, materials, and local labor. We strive to focus our efforts on those most in need and we do not discriminate by age, gender, race, or religion.
Quick Updates
SeeeMe During COVID 19
Although we had to cancel our summer 2020 trip, SeeeMe has been busy!
This August, SeeeMe began an agricultural/garden project with the Semuliki Batwa Pygmies, one of the most marginalized groups in Uganda. This project will be administered in country by Okumu Kitenya Moses who recently founded an NGO “Heart of Love Beacon” specifically to aid the Batwa. The Batwa lived as forest dwellers in what is now the Semuliki Forest National Game Park for countless generations. Like the Bwindi Batwa Pygmies to the south, they were evicted by the Uganda Wildlife Authority in the early 1990s, without compensation, when the park became a “protected area”. The small group of remaining Semuliki Batwa now live on a meager patch of land across the highway from their former home. This program will aid in the creation of a community garden which will provide a much needed food supply and also serve to advance their agricultural skills.
At Queen of Peace classes are not in session due to COVID. However, the staff of have been using this time to garden and prep for future expansion.
Completed the 2019 Summer Trip!
In August 2019 the SeeeMe travel team traveled to Mbale, Uganda! This was a shorter trip this year, but we did a lot! Our work this year included
Installation and testing of a water filter system (donated and installed by Ovivo) that will provide clean water at significantly reduced cost and effort than previous practices
Construction of a latrine that will have sufficient capacity for the school for years to come (funded by Ovivo)
Creation of a business plan and administration of a micro-loan with a women’s sewing group local to Mbale (legwork funded by USU’s Jon. M. Hunstman School of Business)
Improving the kitchen and stove at Queen of Peace to decrease smoke in the kitchen, decrease labor, and increase sanitation
Organizing, procuring, and prepping the distribution of sanitary pad kits for secondary school girls to reduce the chance they will drop out of school
Testing the children at Queen of Peace’s progress with reading
Purchase of additional textbooks for the school
Creation of of a five-year financial plan for Queen of Peace and a framework for our cooperation in the coming years
Visit our help-out page to learn about what you can do to help the project, or learn about traveling with us to Uganda on future trips. For information on some of our past trips, check out our newsletters.